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July 11, 2010
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Summary: On July 11, 2010, the new Moon passed directly in front of the sun, producing a solar eclipse of rare beauty across the South Pacific. The path of totality crossed the Cook islands, Easter island, the waters off Tahiti, and southern parts of Argentina and Chile. [full story] [animated eclipse maps]

  Photographer, Location, Date Larger images Comments

Francisco Diego,
Edge of Ranu Kau crater, Rapa Nui,
Jul. 11, 2010
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Canon 450D Sigma 600mm catadioptric lens, composite image of 12 exposures from 1/500s to 2s Notice star delta geminorum on the left. Quite dynamic corona.

Carlos Caccia,
Intendente Alvear, La Pampa Argentina
Jul. 11, 2010

Solar Eclipse from Argentina´s pampas.

Mariano Ribas,
Pehuajó, 370 kilometers Southwest of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jul. 11, 2010
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I took these images of the solar eclipse from Pehuajo, a small city 370 kilometers southwest of Buenos Aires. It was a partial eclipse, with the moon covering 54% of solar diameter.

Robert Stephens,
South of Tahiti at approximately 18 degrees, 28 minutes South, 147 degrees, 9 minutes West.
Jul. 11, 2010

A panorama of the Total Solar Eclipse taken on board the Paul Gauguin. Part of the ship's crew is in the foreground watching the eclipse. Canon G10 in Panorama mode. Three images each at ISO 200, F/2.8 and 1/10 second.

Terry Evans,
Hao Atoll, French Polynesia
Jul. 11, 2010
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11th July was my birthday and this was the second (and last) eclipse on my birthday in my lifetime. These images were taken from Hao Atoll,French Polynesia. I used my trusty vintage 1975 400mm telephoto with a Canon 300D. Images of the chromosphere just after 2nd contact, inner corona and prominences mid eclipse and the 3rd contact diamond ring. We had very thin cloud and a pesky thicker patch just at the end. Shadow bands were visible on the sand just after 3rd contact.

more images: from Ledoux Philippe of Marokau, Tuamotu archipelago, french Polynesia; from Pierre Arpin of Hao atoll airport in French Polynesia