Movies of Near Earth Asteroid 1999 KW4
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May 26, 2001 This 1.0 MB mpeg movie of asteroid 1999 KW4 consists of forty 60-sec exposures spanning May 26, 06:47:26 UT to May 26, 07:32:45 UT. Tim Puckett used a tracking 60 cm reflector to capture the images less than eight hours after the asteroid's closest approach to Earth. The Puckett Observatory in located in north Georgia, USA. [1.0 MB mpg; 0.3 MB mpg]
May 26, 2001 Glenn Graham captured this 0.75 MB Quicktime movie of asteroid 1999 KW4 from his backyard in Beaverton, Oregon. He used a 12 inch Meade LX200 telescope equipped with an Optec f/3.3 focal reducer and an SBIG STV CCD video monitor, all under control of TheSky software. The asteroid was low in the sky shining through the bright lights of Portland. [0.75 MB mov]
NEW May 29, 2001 This 2 MB mpeg movie shows 1999 KW4 racing across the sky at 8.7 degrees per day as it receded from Earth on May 29, 2001. The images, spanning a 3.8 hour period, were captured by John Rogers using a 0.30 meter Schmidt-Cassegrain instrument at the Camarillo Observatory, 55 miles north of Los Angeles. Says Rogers, a veteran asteroid observer, "At
12th magnitude, it was one of the brightest ones that I have been able to capture." [2 MB mpg; 4.5 MB mpg]